Tips for Making Sure We Can Pay You and You Know What You’re Getting!

You’ve created the perfect voiceover profile and you’re bringing in work. Hooray!!  In this article we cover all the things you need to know to ensure you’re paid accurately and on time for your voiceover work.

We collect the fees on your behalf and we then pay you once the client has paid us. And we love paying you for your work!

Check your payment information

Check that you’ve filled out all your payment information in your BigMouth profile. If you change anything on your profile please also email us so that we know to check your details.


You will need to include: 

  • Your IRD number and bank account number. Also fill in the relevant details if you are GST registered, a company, or tax exempt (we use this info to automatically calculate the correct fee).


You will need to include:

  • We make international payments via WISE. Let us know the email you use if you already have a WISE account and your WISE ID
  • You can use this link to create an account
  • Remember that you can also create borderless bank accounts so we can either pay you in NZD or your preferred currency
  • You are responsible for taking care of your own tax

BigMouth payslips

We create payslips for all jobs you undertake with BigMouth Voices. You’ll find your payslips under the job on your profile, available to view or download. Note that we don't send out payslips via email.

The button to view your payslip will look like this once we have paid you (the payslips are only visible once payment has been made).


This is what your job breakdown will look like on your profile page showing the different states of the job.



On the job breakdown screen you’ll notice the following terms:

  • AWAITING PAYMENT means your job is done but BigMouth has not yet been paid
  • NOTE: We pay voices at the beginning of each month for those jobs that have been paid to us
  • COMPLETED JOB means you’ve completed the job, BigMouth has been paid, you’ve been paid, and your payslip is available to download from the site

We’re always here to help so contact us if you have any problems or have a question about your account. 
